SPIRE 2019 covers research in all aspects of string processing, information retrieval, computational biology, and related applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- String Processing: string pattern matching, text indexing, data structures for string processing, text compression, compressed data structures, compressed string processing, text mining, 2D pattern matching, automata based string processing.
- Information Retrieval (IR): retrieval models, indexing, evaluation, algorithms and data structures for IR, efficient implementation of IR systems, interface design, text classification and clustering, text analysis and mining, collaborative and content-based filtering, topic modeling for IR, search tasks (Web search, enterprise search, desktop search, legal search, cross-lingual retrieval, federated search, (micro) blog search, XML retrieval, multimedia retrieval), digital libraries.
- Computational Biology: high-throughput DNA sequencing (assembly, read alignment, read error correction, metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics), evolution and phylogenetics, gene and regulatory element recognition, motif finding, protein structure prediction.
- Abstract deadline: May 26th, 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
- Paper deadline: June 1st, 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
- Notification: July 19th, 2019
- Camera-ready due: July 28th, 2019
- Early bird registration: July 31th, 2019
- Regular registration: 30th September, 2019
- Main conference: 7th-9th October, 2019
- WCTA 2019 (Workshop): 10th October, 2019
SPIRE 2019 invites submissions in two categories:
- long papers (up to 12 pages, excluding references and optional appendices) and
- short papers (up to 6 pages, excluding references and optional appendices).
The reviewing process of SPIRE 2019 will be single-blind, namely each submission should be non-anonymous.
The submission server will be EasyChair (
The proceedings will be published in the LNCS series of Springer-Verlag . The use of either LaTeX or Word LNCS templates is mandatory.
Suitable templates are available at the Springer Website ( Do not change the margin size or the font, do not make a separate title page, etc.: use the LNCS style file as given.
Both papers reporting on original research unpublished elsewhere and surveys of important results are welcome.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not permitted.